hi, 2 mins ago i just blogged. i think i shall blog again. sing u all a song ok.
ma li ki ta ra ya singapore bo laksa...... (eh shit i forget how to sing, sorry singapore, i still love you)
another song okkk this one i sure know.
ah one, ah two, ah one two three go! (techno version)
pee pee, pee pee pee, pee pee pee pee, pee pee...
pee pee happy birthday to you, pee pee pee, happy birthday to you, pee pee, happy birthday to youuuuuuu, peeeeeeeee pee pee pee peeeeee peee, happy birthday to you. PEE PEE PEE!!
wah i damn happy now. 4 more mins can go alrd. i must continue typing. so after i finish, i can leave straight away dont need think of what to do.
eh why i type so long the time still dunwan move. eh time, come on, just move man. i got to move it move it, you got to move it move it, we got to MOVE IT!
time! run faster!! i cheer for you. yi er san si wu liu qi, qi liu wu si san er yi, time time, jiayou jiayou jiayou. ok time to go. see you and good the bye.